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robinbailey's profile
Username robinbailey
Status active
Joined May 25, 2016
Dates in RFA April 1975 - March 1988
RFA Department Engineering
Location (now) Tavistock, Devon
Favourite Ship Retainer/Resurgent
Biography/Remarks 13 year career starting with Cherryleaf up the Persian Gulf, Defence sales tour on Lyness, Bedivere host ship for RFA golf tournament, War hero on Tristram. Falklands victory parade London followed by lunch with Margaret Thatcher at the Mansion House. Far East Deployment on Appleleaf 1983/84. Armilla on Appleleaf 1987. Great times, fantastic memories in the 'real RFA' before it became more Navy than the Navy. Changed my life for ever!!! Oh nearly forgot a couple highlights, got arrested in Portland 1975 first trip, for smuggling a couple of friends back to the ship to kip the night. A friend's dad,high up in MOD plod got me off. 1987 thrown out of Gibraltar dockyard after being found sleeping on top of a Lorry cab.Been to La Linea for a wee drinky that day. Should also have been sacked on several other occasions for gross stupidity. Bliss.
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10/30/17 at 10:00Sailed with Bob twice. Told me he applied for his own job as it sounded better than the one he currently had.Madhouse not amused.