
Maggie Feist, Hugh O'Donnell, Anne Cleife.171 viewschoff

John Orchard165 viewschoff

Anne Cleife, Andrew Burns, Hugh O'Donnel.164 viewschoff

The Turners162 viewschoff

Youngs & Hobbs164 viewschoff

Martin Ellam & Peter Taylor203 viewschoff

The Collis's163 viewschoff

Martin Seymour207 viewschoff

Martin Seymour, David Lewis, Peter Lannin.180 viewschoff

The Thorns & Brian Waters170 viewschoff

Phil Roberts & the Missions167 viewschoff

Alec Redpath & Mike Sandry169 viewschoff

George Mason & Darby Allen163 viewschoff

The Andrews & Mike Day195 viewschoff

John Sail, Mike Day, Dave Cooper.214 viewschoff

Mrs Rogers & the Johnsons192 viewschoff

Dave Tooze & Maurice Mann201 viewschoff

The Redheads199 viewschoff

The Gilstons204 viewschoff

The Sinclairs & Brian Taylor211 viewschoff

Diane Taylor & Brian Feeney187 viewschoff

Syd Kempton & Joe Davis171 viewschoff

Pat Thompson180 viewschoff

Viv Berry, Russ Williams, Gerry Sinclair.187 viewschoff

Barry Lord & John Lindsay193 viewschoff

Scofe, Monica, Tony Pitt & Nancy.195 viewschoff

The Davies, Keith Escott, Steve Oatey.204 viewschoff

Escotts & Wilsons466 viewschoff
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