
Bob Roullier708 views in the Electrical workshop Tidespring 1983dindanlo

Lancelot Cyprus 1981 587 viewsHandsome Phil Edwards getting away from his main fridge problems for a whiledindanlo

Percy Sierra Leone720 viewsL/R, Alan Edwards, Alex Shore, R/O, Roger Stevens, Andy Thwaitesdindanlo

Percy, somewhere in the Gulf929 viewsL/R, Paul Griffin, Nigel Hawes, Chris Jarvis, Russ Farquar, Dave Brenchleys head.dindanlo

Dennis saves the day.668 viewsPercy, purifier flatdindanlo

Cdre Tom Humphrey 1984500 viewschoff

Mad night on Sir Geraint1113 viewsBarry Thompson, John Harris, the late Dave Polglass & the late Alan Mitchell.dindanlo

Ray Miles, Alan Bond, ?.643 viewsBonds Drinking Coursedindanlo

Rik Hudson, Barry Thompson, Peter Beer.695 viewsSomewhere in the Caribbeandindanlo

Cyril Davies, CEO Bob Stevens, Bob Gunn.885 viewsPercy MCRdindanlo

Steve Mundel687 viewsSir Tristram 1993dindanlo

Stan Kingston & Ben Shepard687 viewsFort Grange 1986dindanlo

1085 viewsPercy's immaculate engineroom workshop.dindanlo

Nigel Gilbert780 viewsamongst the pipes in Percy's engineroom.dindanlo

Mike and Stu Murray740 viewsin the purifier flat, Percy.dindanlo

A young Dindanlo633 viewsAcquiring bad habits in the Dockyard Club, Singapore 1964.
More here.choff

Alex Forsyth & Maxie Clements713 viewschoff

Dave Hosgood, Willie Macdonald, Sandy Mitchell.694 viewsTidereach in Stores Basin 1965.
From Sandy Mitchell. choff

Frank Meehan490 views3EO Sir Percivale 1971choff

Fort Victoria SE Team 2008776 viewsAli Night, Bob Mitchell ... Phil Atherton?, Martin Seymour.choff

Roger (Rick) Nicholson 3EO626 views Wave Ruler 1965. In the market in Mombasa!
From Alex Landels -->

John Bilney 4EO, Wave Ruler 1965.565 viewsWith the ER telescope!choff

Colin, JEO.572 views Not sure whether it was Tideflow or Wave Ruler, railings might give you a clue, 1965.

Shaun Trafford JEO & Donkeyman Laurence Caruana548 viewsWave Ruler 1965.

Suzan & Mike Kitchen788 viewschoff

Lennie Martin479 viewsJEO Wave Ruler 1962choff

Graham Egleton504 views4EO Fort Rosalie 1964choff

Peter Major - Mardi Gras dress Rio De Janeiro 2010540 viewsMick Spear

Malcolm Flannery1566 viewsFort Austin 1982choff

Charlie Brown773 viewsResource 1981 choff

In Memory of Mike Kitchen1487 viewsLeft to right - Ed (talking horse) Quigley, John Sinclair, George Norcott, Tam Adam, Phil (screaming skull) Edwards, Tony Spoor, Ken Nichols, Alec Melvin, (Baz Wakefield behind), Thurston (Satch) Sergeant, Dave (Boozy Twosy) Tooze, Micky Donovan, (Andy August behind), Ian (1st bar) Smith, Ray Brewer, (John Breckon behind), Joe Davis (sadly now deceased) John Breckon
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