Last additions - Mick Spear

PO Deck Mick Roddis and SG1A Ben Bendall603 viewsMick SpearMay 18, 2014

Purser and Stewards RFA Wave Knight818 viewsPic taken Feb 14 on Bridge pre Cocktail Party at GrenadaMick SpearMay 18, 2014

RFA WAVE KNIGHT Football Team at Barbados April 2013503 viewsMick SpearMay 23, 2013

Mick Spear and Jerry Sharpe1020 viewsMick SpearDec 18, 2012

Football match Cardigan Bay v Fort Victoria585 viewsFootball match 2012Mick SpearDec 16, 2012

LS Trio ashore606 viewsL-R: CPO Cook Graham Harkup; PO SA Mick Chadwick; LH SA Jayne Chapman July 2012Mick SpearDec 07, 2012

Neil Barclay604 viewsXO CARDIGAN BAY Pic taken May/June 2012Mick SpearDec 07, 2012

AJ Carruthers691 viewsPO Comms AJ CarruthersMick SpearDec 07, 2012

Ralph Wara584 views CPO Deck. Pic taken May/June 2012. Phot courtesy of John PicknettMick SpearDec 07, 2012

CARDIGAN BAY Football team496 viewsCARDIGAN BAY Football team v FORT VICTORIAMick SpearDec 07, 2012

RFA OLMEDA 1983/841187 viewsHope some of the faces can be identified. I would guess the ship was in Australia or New ZealandMick SpearJul 13, 2012

RFA Appleleaf late 1980s745 viewsCaptain Pat and Bosun Jimmy Laird.Mick SpearJul 13, 2012

Graham Gartshore, Steve Conway and ?566 viewsRFA OLMEDA 1983Mick SpearJul 13, 2012

Mr G466 viewsChief Cook Graham Gartshore displaying items for saleMick SpearJul 13, 2012

Mark Stribling645 viewsRFA TIDEPOOL 1982Mick SpearJul 13, 2012

Pikey Taylor and Barney Conlon685 viewsRFA FORT AUSTIN 1985Mick SpearJul 13, 2012

Guns team RFA FORT AUSTIN 1985749 viewsNames to follow.Mick SpearJul 12, 2012

RFA FORT AUSTIN 1985477 viewsSSK Brian Fowler on right. Jeff Wilson on the left.
Pic courtesy of Graham GartshoreMick SpearJul 09, 2012

Kevin Heyton, Duncan Kennard588 viewsChap far-left unknown, pic taken RFA OLMEDA 1983/84Mick SpearJul 09, 2012

Colin Cochram474 viewsA youthful-looking Colin Cochram on RFA FORT AUSTIN 1985Mick SpearJul 09, 2012

John 'Harry' Worth536 viewsRFA FORT Austin 1985. harry tells me he was having a quick ciggie before a run aft to main fridgesMick SpearJul 09, 2012

Graham Harkup435 viewsA young Graham 1985Mick SpearJul 09, 2012

Another party pic from RFA OLMEDA 1983/84696 viewsGeorge Turner & Griff RobertsMick SpearJul 09, 2012

Race Night RFA OLMEDA 1983/84743 viewsOne of many pics courtesy of Graham GartshoreMick SpearJul 09, 2012

RFA OLMEDA 1983/84533 viewsChap in pink shirt is 2nd Steward Richard Bou.
SRO Mike Rogers left.Mick SpearJul 09, 2012

Numbers 1, 2 and 3407 viewsFar left is Chueng shin Fan aka Richard. Any ideas on the other two. Pic taken 1983 RFA OLMEDAMick SpearJul 09, 2012

Gerry Collins842 viewsA young Gerry Collins in patriotic shorts RFA OLMEDA 1983Mick SpearJul 09, 2012

Another Xmas show pic RFA FORT AUSTIN 1985541 viewsLooks to be a Catering Department entry. Mick SpearJul 09, 2012

Xmas show again RFA FORT AUSTIN 1985548 viewsLooks like a STO(N) Team entry. Mick SpearJul 09, 2012

Xmas show RFA FORT AUSTIN 1985 540 viewsOnly name i can give is Far right Franny Childs. Mick SpearJul 09, 2012

Mr G's Birthday 1985 RFA RESOURCE915 viewsA Catering Dept get together for Mr G's birthday. Some faces: Fareed Abbas, Mark Whiting, Mr G and John HoodMick SpearJul 09, 2012

RFA TIDEPOOL - Ship's company arriving back at Gatwick airport from Chile834 viewsAnyone recognise anybody?
Mick SpearJul 06, 2012